Still have only had 2 hours sleep in 36… but Raven finally took a big turn for the better a few hours ago! He had not moved and would not bare weight, eat, drink, nothing for 24 hours. Still has not peed or pood, that will be a Halleluah.
But this afternoon a friend stopped by with canned food to tempt him with and some fruits and veges and soup for me because I hadn’t eaten either from stress (I lose my appetite).
Raven heard her voice, he LOVES his Auntie Laura, and actually barked, wagged, and tried to sit up. So we together got him to his feet and basically carried him outside for some fresh air, familiar routine, and hoped he’d at least pee. He just collapsed like a ragdoll. It was a concern that he’s not better, but Tom (vet) was on the way in a few hours.
While waiting, we did some trying to teach him to balance standing on his own, enticing him with cookies. He finally looked a bit brighter eyed, rather than depressed, and drank some water.
The makeshift pressure bandage wrap we put on in the emergency in the yard in the dark last night wasn’t the best and it was cutting in to his armpit, which was difficult to work around. And his catheter was still in his one front leg, which hurt too. When Tom arrived, Raven got up on his own and wagged, even barked, and tried to run to him! He loves the vet. He replaced the pressure bandage and wrapped better in the daylight, removed the needle from his leg, and he’s a new dog after having the visitors!