He is learning to walk, but it’s so hard to watch him fall. Especially when he wants to pee. He tries to lift a leg and then goes to the ground. He’s gotten it right a couple times to keep all three legs on the ground and pee like a girl, but old habits die hard.
He tries to do our routines. Wants to go to the barn with me in the morning, but can’t go that far. And last night I let him out and he never came back. I went with a flashlight and found him by the burn pile in the pasture, just admiring the stars. I think he just went too far and wasn’t strong enough to make it back. The hopping is hard work until he strengthens those muscles.
His pain is much less. He was bleeding a lot yesterday again and soaked the new bandaging. I happened to have a cow vet out in the morning that looked at it for me. She said it’s normal. All that blood needs to find a new place to go and reroute itself. So, I redid his bandaging again. He’s got a large ventral edema where the internal bleeding is pooling. I’m going to ask the vet about that tomorrow.