All the swelling continues to stay gone. 🙂 And he’s completely off the Lasix and Tramadol. Only antibiotics now, and Rimadyl stops tomorrow. And his joint supplements, of course, will be for life, as he’s used them for years already. He does drain a LOT still. Saturates a dish-sized towel 3x a day. I remove the wet one, dab the incision/drains with hydrogen peroxide, and place in a new clean towel. Not looking too bad, and I’m just so relieved that he’s not retaining all that fluid now.
Getting the meds out of his system, he seems perkier. This morning he accompanies me on my barn chores. Woohoo for Raven! He loves to do this routine. He actually loped along in a little “rocking horse canter”, ears flapping, sloppy grin on his face. It’s only 1.5 acres here, so not too far, he’s just so happy to accompany me again. 🙂
Last week, I wrapped his elbox to prevent it from ulcerating. I took a look today and it’s wet and raw. 🙁

Today I spoke with Schon at and he’s getting one made! It’s a padded boot for his elbow that he will wear full time to prevent a pressure sore there…and hopefully will allow this one to heal as soon as he can start wearing it. It’s custom made, so will be 10-14 days I think. In the meantime, the best I can do: Gauze with Neosporin to prevent more abrasion, vetrapped (flexible bandage for bendy part of the leg), then a piece of sheepskin over that taped on. Schon recommended going and getting a knee brace made of neoprene and cutting it up for padding in place of the sheepskin. I realized that I have a horse “splint boot” of neoprene, so I just tried putting that over his elbow, we’ll see if it stays in place.

Still no biopsy results. Waiting on pins and needles…