Raven’s incision is very scabby and looked a bit inflamed. I put him back on antibiotics (TMS) and Rimadyl and “buttered” it with a Triple Antibiotic ointment (over the counter like Neosporin) to soften it. It was better by last night. And this morning, when applying the ointment, the scabbiness is crumbling and coming off, giving it a chance to heal and close. This is only in the section at the bottom where the seroma kept it from healing for so long.
Here’s a video of the funny “smile” he makes when I rub it, because it’s so itchy.
Raven loves car rides and camping. No time like the present. I made a last minute decision to take the little RV (vintage ’86 Bigfoot trailer called Bessie The Traveling Egg) a few hours away this weekend to Jack London State Park and stay over at Sugarloaf Ridge. Quality time with me and his brother (same age, love each other) Cowboy, the evil cat. We are packed and hoping to leave in the morning. 🙂

And lastly, a video of Raven and his buddy the bobcat Billy-Bob here at Wild About Cats (www.wildaboutcats.org). Backstory: Raven’s dad Conner was raised with Billy and they were buddies. The cat would attack any other dog. When Conner died of cancer at 8 years old, we were all saddened that Billy would lose his only playmate. But Raven was born a month later, and as soon as he was old enough, met Billy through the fence and Billy immediately greeted the puppy with happy sounds and head butts. So, Billy knows Raven is his father’s son and they’ve now been buddies for 9 years. They couldn’t play for the last 3-1/2 weeks due to his surgery, and I wondered how the predator would treat him post-amp. Here’s the video from yesterday:
Those were wonderful videos! The smile is price-less! It is almost like a thumper foot, as soon as you find the spot Raven smiles from ear to ear! The bobcat story/video is amazing. Have a wonderful time camping!! Hope you get lots of pictures and video.
Looks like Raven can’t wait to hit the road! 🙂 You just might want to review Jerry’s blog posts about How To Make The Most of Your Free Tripawds Blog – Part 1 and Part 2 – before consuming your upload space quota with huge image files.
I’ve never seen a rottie and a bobcat together before. Raven you are amazing!
I just loved the videos! Good luck on your camping trip and I hope that you take tons of pictures and videos so we can all see!!!
Angel Jake’s Mom
Yes Raven and Barney share the same ampuversay. Hope you have a great trip and Happy Thank Giving. Love the smiling video!! When we scratch Barney back he has a look of pure ecstasy on his face.
Chris & Barney