My fabrications for a elbow pad…

I have had 3 trial and errors since yesterday with makeshift elbow protectors. I went to the drug store to get a neoprene knee brace. I also ended up getting a carpal tunnel wrist brace. $25 each, ugh. I'm fastly on the way to the poorhouse. The Dogleggs will be $120, plus $40 in shipping (shipped twice as they send a prototype for a fitting first), so we are well over $200 just on the elbow issue and that is if it doesn't ever need vet care…

The wrist brace has a squishy pad for under the wrist, like you can get on the edge of a mousepad. I thought it would be ideal. And not even need to do any custom fixing, as the size was about right. I put it on and velcroed it to his body bandaging. He stood up and it immediately twisted so that the padding isn't under his elbow. :( The only way I could prevent that was the tape it to his fur at the top and bottom, which would make it unremovable on a regular basis to check the wound. So, I got the knee brace and it has velcro and is neoprene. No fancy squishy pad, but at least it doesn't matter if it spins then. But within a few hours, it was not only below his elbow, but the hookpart of the velcro grabbed the blanket he laid on and he now had velcroed his one good leg to the blanket and hogtied himself in the living room while I was at work. Poor man! Found him that way when I got home last night. He was struggling to hop to me dragging the fullsized blanket with him. :(

So, we went back to the wrist one, yes it rolls so that his wound isn't always on the squishy pad, but the rest is a thin neoprene, which is better than nothing and it is working for now…and I tied it with string to his bandaging to keep it up.

His wrist brace:

His knee brace with large velcro straps. I am thinking of trying this with the beaded wrist support I have for my computer mouse pad inside. If I can make them stay put somehow.

His current getup: the wrist brace tied to his bandaging. Just not padded as well as I'd like since the padding inside shifts.

On the lighter side: Raven's cat brother Cowboy has discovered Raven's new elevated feeder makes a fun house.

Author: dsimas

Rottie Raven, 8-1/2 years old, amputee on 10-27-09 and Miles, rottie mix rescue, hopefully no cancer.

3 thoughts on “My fabrications for a elbow pad…”

  1. Let us know how your latest elbow invention works out! I’m sure there are many other tripawds out there who could use that information.

    Raven looks like such a sweet dog… letting his mommy put all those contraptions on his elbow. I’m sure he knows that you love him and are trying to help him feel better.

    Jake’s Mom

  2. Hang in there Raven’s mom…My mom is trying to figure out how to make a bootie for my front leg. There’s a lot of ice and snow where I live so it has to be grippy on the bottom. The booties that all the sled dogs wear around here are not grippy enough for a tripawd in the winter.

    Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”


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